How to Know You’ve Found the Right Personal Injury Lawyer in Maryland

When you or a family member is seriously injured due to the negligence or wrongful act of another, Maryland personal injury lawyers can help you recover the compensation you are rightfully due. Enduring a serious personal injury is both mentally and physically traumatic. 

You’ll likely have multiple doctor visits and mounting medical costs in addition to your usual expenses. It’s extremely important that you choose the right Maryland personal injury lawyers to seek justice on your behalf. It can be daunting to weed through the number of personal injury lawyers available but doing a little research and being selective can be worth big bucks for your case. 

Here’s how to know you’ve found the right Maryland personal injury lawyers for your specific situation. 

Look for Experience First

The best Maryland personal injury lawyers will have some experience under their belts, and they will likely be advertising it on their websites.

Just like the best injury lawyers in Chicago, they will post the largest wins for their clients on their websites because the results speak for themselves.

As you narrow down your selection, ask each potential attorney how long they’ve been practicing personal injury law in your particular state. Attorneys tend to specialize in certain sectors, and you want one familiar with the laws that apply to your case

For instance, if you’ve been in an automobile accident involving a large truck then you probably want to work with Maryland personal injury lawyers who’ve won some cases against large trucking companies or drivers. If your case involves a defective product that caused injury, then you should look for Maryland personal injury lawyers who’ve won some larger product liability cases and so on. 

Settlement and Success

You should also ask Maryland personal injury lawyers about their settlement and success rate. Many personal injury cases are settled before they ever make it to the courtroom. There’s nothing wrong with that but you want to be sure that if your case goes to trial, your attorney will be prepared to litigate successfully. 

Most Maryland personal injury lawyers will be happy to provide you with their success rate in the courtroom and tell you what percentage of their cases settle. Most often, when attorneys don’t want to provide you with their success rate it can be because it’s low or they don’t have much experience in that particular sector. 


The best Maryland personal injury lawyers will take your case on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you win. After being involved in a serious personal injury, the last thing you need to worry about is coming up with additional money to pay an attorney. You should be able to focus on getting medical attention and healing after your injury.  

Maryland personal injury lawyers who take your case on a contingency basis are confident in your case and their ability to win because they know they won’t get paid if you lose. This is the attorney you want working for you. 

Partner with the Best Maryland Personal Injury Lawyers

Finding the right Maryland personal injury lawyers will take some time and a little research but the results are well worth the work. Look for attorneys who have personal injury experience in your state handling similar types of cases and ask them about their success rate. Be sure that the Maryland personal injury lawyers you choose have litigation experience and are willing to take your case on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you win. That way you can concentrate on healing while your Maryland personal injury lawyers fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.