1. Florence Flask was getting ready for the opera. All of a sudden, she screamed: “Erlenmeyer, my joules! Somebody has stolen my joules!” The husband replied, “Calm down, honey. We’ll find a solution.”

2. The little atom was a naughty boy who kept shouting at his little brother. So the father atom scolded him by saying “You should never shout atom of your voice like that.”

3. My wife is a scientist whose hobby is to take photographs. She clicks wonderful photons!

4. Why did the father alcohol name his two sons, ethanol and methanol? So that they both can always remain as chemical brothers!

5. When I asked my mother why my father was coming home late from work recently, she replied that he was under a lot of pressure lately at the mines.

6. My son is extremely naughty and always up to some sort of mischief. Angrily I told gim, “I’m keeping my ion you.”

7. The chemist was angry at his son and said, “Never put your neon the dining table.”

8. The best thing about chemistry is, it is like a family. Everyone is well bonded with one another!